Tuesday 16 November 2010


We are hosting a jumble sale to raise money for Help For Heroes charity,  we are doing it in honour of our friend Patrick Azimkar who was tragically killed March 2009.   

The jumble will be on 11th December at the Bush Hill Park United Reform Church,   25 Main avenue, Enfield EN1 1DJ.    Doors open at 9.30am we will be serving homemade cakes and tea too!  May even be treated to Maria's  yummy mummy Cupcakes!
We have now had our wonderful Jumble and had so much fun aswell as raising £500 for Help for heroes!
We would like to say a big thank you to all our friends who helped us make it a success.
Lucy, Phil, Ray Ray , Roz, Susie, Katie, Holly, Max, Mummy Sue, Big Tone, Daz, Frankie T, Grandma Josie, Dorothy, Ruth, kate, Jade, Hannah, Dan and Adam.

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